Animal body components , various other biomedical waste , body organs dung

51.No    Features    $_pecific tions
1    (Incinerator)
Type of waste for disposal    Animal  body  parts,other  biomedical  waste,organs dung, bedding materials,plant p缸ts and food itemsι
Incinerators for conversion of waste to fine,white sterile
ash with no visible smoke or odour
2.    Load capacity    300 – 4∞Kg (maximum)
3.    Bum capacity    100 Kgjhr (minimum)
4    Fuel    Diesel (LDOjHSD)
5.    Type of Bumer operation    Automatic diesel fired
6.    Primary chamber    Solid hearth
Dense refractory concrete lining
Operating temeeralure of 850 土 50 deg C or more
7.    Secondary chamber    Slid heath
Dense refractory concrete lining
Opera恤19 temperature of 1∞o deg C or more
8.    Temperature control    Digital temperature control and display
Temperature monitoring and thermostatic control
9.    Power supply    220V for control Box
10    Size    Compact design preferred
11.    Opening lid    Large top open归g lid (Approx . 700 mm x 500mm) for
easy loading
12.    Fuel tank    100-150 L

13.    Civil    works,    installation    and
comnuss!Onmg    lndusive  of  civil  works  (brick  wall  incinerator  house
with a shutter door,CGI sheet roofing) according to 由e
model of the incinerator.
lnstallation and commissioning of the incinerators including hiring of heavy machineries requ让ed at the time of instalIation .
Electric power supply line to light incinerator house as well as to control box of the incinerator
Onsite  demonstrationjperformance  test  and  adequate training of staff on the use of incinerators.
Warranty of one year from the date of commissioning. Separate   Annual    Maintenance    Contract   would    be drawn with the supplier at a later stage.
14.    Catalogue    Catalogue containing detail pictures and spec迁ications
of  the  quoted  incinerator  must  be  included  in  the
bidding document

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