small animal incinerator

  1. Piping and stack connection locations and sizes.


  1. Technical data including temperature rating and arrangement of refractory and insulation.


  1. Weights of unit and loading diagram of foundation. Evidence that contractor has coordinated support

requirements with foundation design.


  1. Recommended anchorage to foundation. Seismic requirements apply. Submit calculations by professional engineer.


  1. Predicted external surface temperatures.
  2. Certified test report on performance of similar unit burning waste types which has composition similar to

Article, PROJECT CONDITIONS, this specification:


  1. Overall burn time and weight reduction.
  2. Waste quantity and composition per batch.
  3. Emissions in all categories specified in PART 2.
  4. Auxiliary fuel use.


  1. Catalog data on burners, sound attenuators, fuel trains, motors.


  1. Fuel requirements: Flow rate, pressure at inlet to fuel train.


  1. Full load power, efficiency, and power factor of all motors greater than one horsepower.


  1. Electrical service requirements for all motors and controls.


  1. Predicted sound level of all systems.


  1. Schematic diagrams of control systems. Catalog cuts on components of control and instrument systems.

Description of operation of control system.


  1. Arrangement and location of control panels.


  1. Stack System:


  1. Drawings showing system arrangement and dimensions.


  1. Weights of subassemblies.


  1. Design, construction, pressure and temperature limitations of entire system including expansion joints and


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